OS1: Dynamics of Indonesian Seas and Indo-Pacific Climate Variability

Ocean and atmospheric dynamics over the Indonesian maritime continent are strongly linked to the regional Indo-Pacific climate from intraseasonal, seasonal, interannual, decadal and even longer timescales. The heat and water mass transports from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian seas play an important role on the global oceanic and atmospheric circulation. In this special session on Indonesia seas, we invite contributions from research concerning all aspects of oceanic and atmospheric dynamics in the Indo-Pacific sector that highlighting the connection between ocean dynamics in the maritime continent and the regional/global climate system- from observational, modeling and paleoceanographic records. Studies on but not limited to the regional ocean circulations (ITF, monsoonal ocean circulations), boundary currents (upwelling), hydroclimate variability and trend as well as marine biogeochemical processes are welcomed. Presentations on observational field campaigns and societal impacts are also encouraged.

Invited speakers: Prof. Iskhaq Iskandar (Universitas Sriwijaya), Prof. Arnold Gordon (Columbia University)

Co-conveners:  Intan S. Nurhati (LIPI), Edvin Aldrian (BPPT), Fadli Syamsudin (BPPT) and Anna Kuswardani (KKP)

We would like invite your contribution for a session at the upcoming AOGS meeting (Aug 6-11, 2017) in Singapore. The abstract submission closes on Feb 15, 2017:

Reduced registration fee and student volunteer opportunity to attend the meeting are available:

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